Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Vocabulary final

Vocabulary #1

  1. adumbrate- Report or represent in outline; indicate faintly
  2. apotheosis- The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax.
  3. ascetic- Characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.
  4. bauble-A small, showy trinket or decoration.
  5. beguile- Charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way
  6. burgeon-Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish
  7. complement- A thing that completes or brings to perfection.
  8. contumacious-Stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority.
  9. curmudgeon-A bad-tempered or surly person.
  10. didactic-Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
  11. disingenuous- Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
  12. exculpate-Show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing.
  13. faux pas-An embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation.
  14. fulminate-Express vehement protest;Develop suddenly and severely
  15. fustian-Thick, durable twilled cloth with a short nap, usually dyed in dark colors
  16. hauteur-aughtiness of manner; disdainful pride.
  17. inhibit-Hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process).
  18. jeremiad-A long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes.
  19. opportunist-A person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by principles or plans.
  20. unconscionable-Not right or reasonable.                                           
  21. Vocabulary #2

    accoutrements- additional objects to put on your person for a specific task, like equipment used as clothes. The accoutrements of a police officer are his billy club, badge and taser.

    apogee- the highest point of development of something. The apogee of the British empire was when it controlled one third of the globe.

    apropos- concerning something, pertaining to something.  Some topics in Math Analysis seemed apropos to nothing.

    bicker- to argue about trivial maters.  Siblings often bicker.

    coalesce- to come together into something.  In the virtual choir, many singers from around the globe coalesced into one group.

    contretemps- a minor unexpected or unfortunate occurrence.  Many british sitcoms deal with humorous contretemps, often under a large misfortune that is overshadowed by these trivial maters, such as Fawlty Towers and Blackadder.

    convolution- twists, and coils, or a function derived from two functions through integration. The brain is made up of many sinuous convolutions.

    cull- to pick from a large number of options or to amass from much data.  The current text of Beowulf was culled from many different fragments of texts about the epic hero.

    disparate- immensely different.  In economics, they use disparate objects to explain production possibility curves, such as robots and pizzas.

    dogmatic- laying down principles which are not proven true.  The dogmatic theologist lectured about many unproven principles like they were true.

    licentious- promiscuous, or unprincipled sexually.  In the times of Jane Austen, Lydia from pride and Prejudice would have been viewed as licentious.

    mete- to allot punishment.  Many countries say that they care for their citizens, yet they radially mete out to their people.

    noxious- harmful or poisonous.  Many noxious fumes come out of industrial buildings.

    polemic- strongly speaking out against something.  The polemic worker spoke out against his low wages.

    populous- having a large population.  In ecosystems, producers are the most populous part of the food web.

    probity- having moral principles, decency.  Pretentious people often put up a facade of probity.

    repartee- conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty remarks.  When I got to boys state, I impressed one of the counselors by starting a repartee with him.

    supervene- occur later than a specified event or action, often changing plans.  The collapse of the twin towers supervened much of what happened on September 11th, 2009.

    truncate- to shorten something by cutting of the top or end.  In elementary school, kids liked to make shorts by truncating old jeans. 

    unimpeachable- not to be doubted or questioned. The views of many experts are often viewed as unimpeachable.

    Vocabulary # 3

    apostate: a person who forsakes his religion, cause, party, etc. 
    effusive: pouring out; overflowing. 
    impasse: a position or situation from which there is no escape 
    euphoria:  state of intense happiness and self-confidence 
    lugubrious: mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner 
    bravado: a pretentious, swaggering display of courage. 
    consensus: general agreement or concord; harmony. 
    dichotomy: division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into halves or pairs. 
    constrict: to draw or press in; cause to contract or shrink; compress. 
    gothic: genre or mode of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance 
    punctilio: a fine point, particular, or detail, as of conduct, ceremony, or procedure. 
    metamorphosis: any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc. 
    raconteur: a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly. 
    sine qua non: an indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential 
    quixotic: impulsive and often rashly unpredictable.extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable. 
    vendetta: any prolonged and bitter feud, rivalry, contention, or the like 
    non sequitur: a statement containing an illogical conclusion. 
    mystique: a framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object 
    quagmire: a situation from which extrication is very difficult 
    parlous: perilous; dangerous.